As per my knowledge there is no any manual solution or freeware is available to recover corrupt BKF Files. But dont go upset, as solution to this problem is using third party. With the help of this BKF recovery software you can smoothly recover than corrupted files and can easily access them. This tool uses quick algorithms which are loaded with features and it conducts thorough scanning of corrupt or damaged backup files and recovers them again. The software also recovers all three important files like EDB, STM and Log from corrupted BKF files, Log file save the entire recovery process. It has brilliant and enhanced easy to use user friendly interface to make this software fast and simple. It is supports all version of BKF Files and windows operating systems.
Use it free demo version of this software which from you can see what you can actually recover from the BKF files before you can pay for the software. And if youre satisfied with the results, then only you should purchase the software from online easily.